Summer Series – 6th August 2023

The weather gods briefly smiled and seven boats set out in a gusty north westerly, that compared to recent weeks felt being positively becalmed. Race officer Bob set a triangular course with first leg parallel to the shore heading West.

Race one saw the lasers of Pete Wells and Robin Wilkinson and Nigel in the topper taking the shore side of the start line in an attempt to get to the first mark in one hit. Talking of hits Dan and Chris in the Enterprise  launched stern first into a rogue wave which smashed their transom flap , causing partial sinking and for them to miss the first race.

Back to the race start, Andrew in his Topaz got away and first to the windward mark. Pete, Robin and Jason in the lasers stayed closely grouped round the first mark and off dead downwind. On the following beat Pete capsized and lost his advantage.  Andrew headed off in front managing to get his kite up on the runs with Robin and Jason swapping places a few times. Meanwhile Futher back Nigel in stealth mode took the honours. 

Race two saw Nigel taking the offshore end of the start and everyone else making a clean getaway further inshore. Dan and  Chris were back having had pitstop assistance to fabricate a new transom flap from a discarded ‘ do not park here’ sign.  Very fetching in yellow. The wind had now dropped overall but still with some powerful gusts. Robin and Jason swapped places several times. Charles steamed around in his Scorpion, wishing he had a crew to get his kite up on the runs.

At the finish the top three were separated by just six seconds on handicap. In both races Jason clearly showing that he is a one watch, despite being new to lasers and having old style controls on his boat. Apologies if I have not recalled your race experience  …too busy trying to keep Jason at bay 
