Agreed at Committee Meeting 2nd August 2023
The Rules of the Club
(Standard Operating Procedures)
Personal Safety
- Effective personal buoyancy must be worn by occupants of all boats. Wet suits and dry suits in themselves are not adequate buoyancy.
- Wet suits, dry suits or effective thermal protection shall be worn when afloat during the months of December to March (inclusive) and are strongly recommended at all times and especially during the months of April and November. For children under the age of 18 years this shall be mandatory between November and April (inclusive) and strongly recommended at other times.
Patrol Boat - A Patrol Boat crew will be assigned for dinghy racing on Sundays at a time determined by the Club Committee and listed in the sailing programme. Outside these times sailing may take place, but at the persons own risk since a Patrol Boat will not normally be available.
- An available Patrol Boat shall have an operational engine and a crew of at least two persons, one of whom must be over 18 years of age and the other at least 16 years of age, at least one of whom must be competent to drive the Patrol Boat (If supervised by a Committee member as part of a training programme, two youths between the ages of 16 and 18 are permitted to man a Patrol Boat as long as they both have a Powerboat 2 qualification). At least one of the crew must be equipped to go into the water if necessary. The Patrol Boat must be manned by club members and shall not be used except with the permission of the Club Committee. Children under the age of 8 must not be caried in the Patrol Boat unless being rescued or unless authorised by the OOD or a Committee member based on the prevailing conditions and the views of the Patrol Boat crew.
- Persons under the age of 16 are not allowed to be afloat in charge of a dinghy unless there is a Patrol Boat available (as defined above). If no Patrol Boat is available, they must be directly supervised on the water by a parent or guardian or other person with written authority to act in that capacity unless they have achieved competence equivalent to RYA Level 2.
Members Boats - Members are required to keep their boats in a seaworthy condition. All craft shall be of a type suited to sea conditions and shall have adequate buoyancy to support the craft and its normal crew in the event of capsize or swamping for an extended period. Inflatable side buoyancy bags shall, where fitted, be adequately secured by straps of at least 25mm wide. It shall be the sole responsibility of each owner or helm to ensure that the buoyancy of his/her craft is adequate and remains so whilst sailing.
- Members are required to possess, for each boat they have in the compound, third party insurance to the sum of at least £3,000,000; £5,000,000 is recommended and the Committee is considering changing the compulsory sum to this level.
- Members may invite guests to sail in their boat (or a club boat – see below) so long as this is for a limited number of occasions (10 in total and each guest no more than 3 times). Members must take responibility for their guests at all times and are responsible for ensuring that they comply with club rules etc. at all times. Guests may sail the member’s boat so long as this is covered by the member’s insurance and the member remains responsible.
- Boats stored in the compound with their masts up must be tied securely to prevent them from blowing over. This can be by tying to a road trailer, a suitable weight or to a ground anchor. The latter must be flush to the ground to prevent damage to people and lawnmowers.
- Owners of boats with engine capacities exceeding 6 hp shall not be eligible to use such craft from Club premises; this excludes Club Patrol Boats.
Club Boats - Members who have paid a Club Boat fee or a Compound fee may use the club boats for rganised club activities. Boats can be reserved using the Random Sailing WhatsApp Group. If you wish to use a club boat outside these times you must get permission from the Committee.
- Members may sail with their guests in club boats as long as they remain in charge and fill out a Guest Registration form. Guests are not allowed to sail club boats on their own. For guests to sail club boats a Temporary Membership must be agreed by the Committee and a Temporary Membership form completed.
Club Compound - The Compound Master will be responsible for the placement of all boats in the compound at all times.
- If road trailers must be stored in the compound, they must occupy the space allocated to the boat or in a space allocated for trailers by the Compound Master and be adequately secured against theft.
- Club keys will only be issued to members who are 18 years or older.
- All craft must be removed from the Club Compound if requested by the Club Committee. The Committee reserve the right to remove such craft at the owners own risk (as laid down in the Constitution) and dispose of such craft as it sees fit.
- Vehicles must be not be brought into the compound except when actually loading/unloading their craft.
- Dogs or other animals are not allowed in the Club Compound unless kept on a lead.
Ettiquette - Club members must assist other members with launching and retrieval of each others’ boats and the Patrol Boat
- Boats must not be left unattended for any length of time on the slipway. Boat trolleys must be placed in such a way that they do not obstruct access to the water by other club members and their boats.
- Boats which have finished a race or who are not racing must keep clear of the finish line.
- Members are required to assist in the running operation of the Club, including Duties, Work Parties, and Committees. Members will be scheduled to be on Race Duty on Sundays, 3-4 times per year, and are expected to be available for the duty on the day scheduled or to swap the duty using the DutyMan system.
Other Rules - You accept and acknowledge that:-
i. Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk and Members, guests and visitors accept responsibility for exposing themselves to such inherent risks
ii. You will comply at all times with the Club Constitution, Rules, policies procedures and instructions (which can be found under Club Documents on the website), and decisions made in respect of those provisions by Club Officers
iii. You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your negligence, and for deciding whether you are competent to sail in the prevailing conditions
iv. You will not participate in Club activities whilst your abilities are impaired by alcohol or drugs or whilst otherwise unfit to participate
v. The provision of Patrol Boat cover is limited to such assistance as can be practically provided in the circumstances.
vi. The Committee accepts no liability for loss or damage to your craft, in the event of the Patrol Boat offering assistance to a craft, if that offer is accepted. - Members must log their launch in the Sailing Log Book on the desk in the clubhouse office before launching and complete the record with the time ashore when they come ashore. This is a safety requirement and is in addition to any other record made e.g. for race results. There is also a log book for logging non-sailing visits to the club, e.g. for boat maintenance, which should be completed so that a record is held for CASC purposes.
- No member may spend money on behalf of the Club without the express permission of either the Committee or (exceptionally) two Flag Officers. The purchase of petrol and oil for normal sailing purposes is not included in this rule. Committee members are allowed to spend up to £50 on behalf of the club without prior agreement by the committee.
- If a person on duty is permitted by the OOD to race because there are more than enough other race team members available, it should be on the understanding that the Sailing Secretary may call on them to make themselves available should a volunteer be required at a future date.
- Club Rules can be created, repealed or amended by a majority vote at a committee meeting at which at least two-thirds of the committee members are present, or by a majority vote of club members present at an AGM or EGM. Changes to the Constitution can only be made by a majority vote of club members at an AGM or EGM. Changes will be communicated to club members.