8 boats (7 slow fleet and one fast fleet!) prepared to sail in no wind but with huge waves on the slipway. Nick was first to launch and was quickly swept back onto the slipway with some damage to the boat. Learning from this everyone was launched successfully but Nick again ended up under water.

Did Steve sail over Nick or was he washed away. Who knows…
Eventually the racing got underway in a force 3 southerly wind and fast running tide. In the first race it was between Nigel and Steve, Topper and Laser. After 5 laps Nigel was lapped and Steve took first place with Carmel (Radial) and Dan (Enterprise) fighting it out for 3rd which went to Carmel.
The second race, over an enlarged course saw the wind drop slightly to Nigel’s detriment so Carmel picked up 2nd and Dan 3rd.
Overall, the discards have kicked in robbing Danny of his glory. Steve leads the series with Nigel in 2nd and Robin in 3rd.