Transom Series – 13th November 2022

Only 5 boats sailed on a sunny morning with a F4-5 easterly. It would have been 6, but Lawrence decided the conditions were against him. Nigel in the Topper made a blistering start in the slacker tide inshore and passed in front of the Lasers to be first at the first mark. Danny pulled ahead followed by Steve who got past on the beat and pulled away. Danny chased hard – too hard, and capsized allowing Steve to finish ahead on the water, but not by enough to beat Nigel on handicap.

The wind dropped to F3-4 and veered to offshore for the second race, and with a close reach for the start Danny and Steve didn’t give Nigel the opportunity to get ahead this time. They were neck and neck around the first mark and then Steve pulled ahead – this time by enough of a margin to beat Nigel on handicap. He came second with Danny third again.

Overall Steve leads the series ahead of Danny and Nigel, who leads the slow fleet. Neil is lying third in the fast fleet, Robin is second in the slow fleet with Carmel (who needs more races to get in the prizes) in third.
